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What is a Next Generation Firewall and why you need one

Just as for the ancients defending the walls from the onslaught of enemies was the first goal for the survival of the entire community, protecting one’s data from snoopers who want to get hold of it is the goal at the top of every company’s priority list.

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PaaS: what it is, applications and benefits

Just as for the ancients defending the walls from the onslaught of enemies was the first goal for the survival of the entire community, protecting one’s data from snoopers who want to get hold of it is the goal at the top of every company’s priority list.

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Data management: what it is, best practices and platforms used

When it comes to business in the digital age, the importance of data grows by the day, constituting a nodal asset to the fortunes of companies.

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DDOS (or Denial of Service) attack: what it is and how to defend against it

We are hearing more and more about institutional sites being taken down by DDoS attacks, a particular type of attack used to overload the victim’s systems and make them inaccessible by legitimate users, in the case of citizens using services provided by the government.

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Cybersecurity in health care. The risks, impacts, and numbers of a troubling phenomenon

Even in 2023, cyber incidents affecting our country have not stopped, By now, network security is an issue on the agenda, for companies of all industries and sizes.

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