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Multi tenancy: definition, examples and advantages


In recent years we have been witnessing the widespread adoption of cloud-based service models.
In the area of applications, SaaS (Software as a Service) is now an established standard, to the point that it is now widespread in virtually all application domains, enabling all business users to remotely access the resources they need without having to install anything locally.
Centralized application management, typical of the cloud, is now made possible by multi-tenant architecture, and more generally by multi tenancy.
Let’s see what it consists of and what advantages it brings to companies that make use of services based on this architectural model, also thanks to the consulting support of an experienced player with proven know-how in this area such as Deda Cloud.

Definition of multi tenancy

According to the definition offered by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation: “Multi tenancy is a single software installation that serves multiple tenants.
A tenant can be a user, an application, or a group of users/applications that use the software to operate on their dataset.
These tenants do not share data (unless specifically instructed to do so by the owner) and may not be aware of each other’s
The concept of a tenant ranges from the individual user, who makes a single login ID, for example for a personal productivity application, to the large enterprise, which, through an accounting strategy, can make as many as thousands of login IDs, each characterized by a policy that defines its permissions and constraints.
Applications based on multi tenancy can share users, rules, and database schema, which individual tenants can customize to varying degrees to best suit their business needs.
At the technology level, multi tenancy is based on isolated IT environments such as virtual machines (VMs) or containers, just to name two of the most popular virtualization models.
Due to their modern design, containers simplify multi tenancy deployment of multiple applications by sharing a kernel even among multiple tenants, unlike traditional VMs.
These aspects make containers and Kubernetes technology, used to orchestrate them, particularly scalable, flexible and generally highly valued in cloud-native software development.

Differences between multi tenant and single tenant (multi tenant vs single tenant)

Multi tenant architectures allow a single instance to be used and made available to multiple tenants, as in the case of the public cloud, while single tenant (single tenant) architecture allows the instance to be dedicated exclusively to a single tenant, which in most cases coincides with a company using on-premises or private cloud IT services within its data center.
In a broad sense, private cloud, depending on the specific type, can be based on either multi tenant or single tenant architecture.
There is no predominant technological factor, as there are very viable solutions to meet both IT scenarios.
The choice between a multi tenant or single tenant architecture should be addressed based on the specific needs of each organization, such as whether their data can be managed on third-party resources.
For example, input from an experienced player such as Deda Cloud is very helpful in understanding the actual level of control that the organization needs to exercise over the IT architecture to meet its business needs in total security.
Such an assessment enables a hybrid configuration of one’s IT architecture to optimize each individual aspect both functionally and economically.
For example, it is possible to choose the convenience of public cloud (multi tenancy) in all those circumstances that do not require a level of control that only single tenancy-based solutions, such as on-premise and private cloud, can currently provide.

Examples of multi-tenant architectures

Currently, there are various examples of multi tenancy models that are widespread and employed in the IT context of organizations in all business domains.
In summary, to provide a comprehensive overview of multi tenant architecture, we can mention hardware multi tenancy (VMs and containers), public cloud, public cloud, SaaS and serverless.

Multi tenancy hardware

Hardware-level virtualization allows virtual machines (VMs) and containers to be created on a physical server.
In turn, each VM can run applications and managed services for different tenants, either internal to the organization or external, as in the case of the organization’s end clients.
Multi-tenancy hardware is particularly prevalent in modern data centers, the basis of the cloud server provider business, as well as being used to structure colocation services, facilities that host private servers guaranteeing all data center functionality, exempting enterprises from having to deploy one of their own.

Multi tenancy private cloud

The private cloud is a rather hybrid concept, which can be articulated either by making use of a multi-tenant architecture or on the basis of a single tenant.
Regarding the former case, a private cloud service is functionally equivalent to a public cloud, the difference being that it is made available only to one user, rather than to several tenants.

Multi tenancy public cloud

In IT, it is possible to feel that multi-tenant architecture is the basis on which, through virtualization technologies, cloud computing is structured.
This particular is especially evident when we talk about public cloud, where customers use remote, on-demand resources to define their hardware and software infrastructure.
The public cloud is the basis for much of the offerings of cloud providers, who are now able to guarantee all IT elements to an increasingly wide and varied range of tenants.

Multi tenancy SaaS

SaaS is a cloud service model that is based on multi tenancy, in that a software instance is deployed to multiple tenants, who access it remotely based on contractual terms defined with the service provider.
The multi tenant architecture allows the application to be shared while keeping the data layer, which remains isolated for each tenant, separate.
Regarding real-world cases, there are celebrated SaaS applications based on multi-tenant architecture, across all application domains, such as Google Mail, Mailchimp, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Salesforce CRM, Hubspot, Slack, Zendesk, Zoom, Dropbox, Netflix, and many, many others.

Multi tenancy serverless

In recent years, software developers, in addition to PaaS (Platform as a Service), have also begun to use serverless multi-tenant architectures more frequently, so defined because of the fact that they make the relationship that binds the application to the resources needed to run it, which are scaled automatically by the provider, totally transparent.
In fact, serverless relies on event-driven logic to start and stop applications, making resources available only in the exact time needed for execution.

Benefits and risks of multi tenancy

Multi tenancy, in a manner similar to cloud computing, can offer a number of significant benefits, in the face of some critical issues that should be taken into account.
Among the main benefits of multi tenant architectures we find:

  • Costs: since the provider uses a single instance of the application to meet the needs of multiple users.
    Centralization of resources and service maintenance makes basic multi tenancy more cost-effective than single tenant solutions.
  • Scalability: individual tenants can scale resources to dynamically meet the needs of their workloads, as well as being able to set up new accounts for their users at any time.
  • Customization: multi-tenant applications, while offering predefined schemes, are highly configurable to allow each tenant to customize the default application.
  • Reduced IT work: the development, management and maintenance of the multi-tenant application remains the responsibility of the provider throughout its lifecycle, sparing individual tenants from commitments regarding on-premises management, while transparently taking advantage of remote services.

Among the main critical issues that can characterize multi tenancy, especially if approached in an insufficiently conscious manner, it is worth mentioning:

  • Costs: service-based models, in the case of some business situations, can characterize a boomerang, especially in the case of smaller organizations that need limited resources.
    A subscription-based formula in the medium and long term could prove more expensive than traditional solutions.
  • Control: although multi-tenant applications currently feature a good level of customization, it is impossible to be able to configure every single aspect.
    Similarly, the possibility and desirability of storing data on third-party resources should be considered.
  • Security: providers’ multi-tenant architectures are on average very secure, and very few companies, especially in the case of SMEs, could afford as much effort to ensure the IT security of their systems.
    However, the co-responsibility that is created between the provider and the tenant is not resolved automatically, but involves on the part of the tenant a lot of work on the training and IT culture of employees, especially regarding data sharing, which goes beyond the simple concept of systems security.

The support of an experienced player such as Deda Cloud can facilitate companies in successfully addressing and overcoming these critical issues, while optimizing the benefits offered by multi tenancy.