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Security as a Service consulting and solutions with the goal of building or refining an effective security strategy, minimizing the risk of suffering economic harm as a result of a cyber attack, and to establish a continuous cycle of security improvement and investment optimization.

Security as both a vertical competency and a pervasive model

Truly securing enterprise equipment requires a much broader strategy than simply affixing a layer of cybersecurity around what exists. Apparatuses must be designed in principle to be secure, their role in the data chain must be verified and their status over time must be checked, apparatuses must be securely managed, embedded in secure processes, granted only to known and knowledgeable hands, they must be made smart and shrewd, and they must be defended. In other words, security is not a shelf add-on but a very broad sphere involving different functions in different ways. That is why our offering is structured with a comprehensive iterative approach, capable of describing a path and developing it from every angle, from consulting to decision board to individual policy implementation.


Technical analysis activities performed by trained personnel to determine weaknesses in systems through detection and simulation of a cyber attack within a predefined perimeter.


Security services and technology for advanced protection of information assets from advanced threats and monitoring tools that simplify control and operational management in complex architectures.


Services for 24/7 monitoring of IT systems, detection and response to cyber incidents using an as-a-service model, with the goal of improving the organization’s response time and chances of preemptively stopping threats while reducing the risk of economic harm.


Consulting services in Information Security, Governance, Risk Management, Business Continuity and Compliance for more efficient, secure and aware management of information and information systems.


We are ready to listen to you. Write to us, we are at your disposal.