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  9. Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

A systematic and punctual examination of an information system, aimed at identifying and classifying the known vulnerabilities of the same present in the analysis perimeter and thus to know which elements are subject to attacks and/or intrusion attempts.
The goal of the service is to provide the client with a knowledge of all detectable vulnerabilities (thus a snapshot of the state of affairs), prioritizing them and defining the remediation activity.
Upon completion of the activities, the customer gets a detailed Report of the identified vulnerabilities with attached remarks from the Deda Cloud Red Team on how to mitigate the risk or close the vulnerability.


Vulnerability Assessment activity is one of the most complex in the security field

is performed by certified Deda Cloud specialists with deep expertise in the dynamics of a cyber attack, both from a technical and human perspective.
The analysis consists of the following steps:

  • detection and collection of information
  • Identification and classification of vulnerabilities detectedthrough CVSS v3 (Common Vulnerability Scoring System).
  • definition the possible mitigation strategies

The Testing methodology adopted by Deda Cloud is based on structured review processes, with strong reference to “Best-in-Class” frameworks and practices.
These include:

  • Open-Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM);
  • The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP Testing Guide);
  • NIST 800-115;
  • MITRE ATT&CK framework;
  • PTES (Penetration Test Execution Standard).

Frequent use cases

Achieving stability of the infrastructure quickly and identifying its development roadmap with certainty helps to work on time without putting the business at risk.

By integrating your cybersecurity plan with cyber vulnerability management, you can stay in line with new modes of attack, protecting your business and reputation.

The benefits of Vulnerability Assessment

We highlight critical infrastructure vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber criminals.


We highlight each vulnerability and focus on the most critical ones.

Operational continuity

We fix vulnerabilities that could compromise business operations and cause financial or reputational damage.


We are ready to listen to you. Write to us, we are at your disposal.