EManS for SAP

The service that accompanies you in the implementation of infrastructure as a service, managed by our staff and specialized in SAP environments, the market leader in administration, finance and control ERP solutions.
The Deda Group’s entire close collaboration with Derga, SAP’s top partner, ensures that the service has the best service standards and a direct and privileged dialogue with the application partner, which is often essential to shorten the time of any intervention.


The service provides: – An engineered platform to host SAP environments in our data center.
The choice of specific technology components has enabled us to achieve SAP certification of the platform.
– The professionalism of our certified staff to manage the application components (application servers, databases, application modules): we govern, monitor prevent and troubleshoot malfunctions and manage changes for the proper functioning of business landscapes.

  – All platform components are redundant to enable the operation of the landscapes even in the event of hardware or software failure.
– The ability to enable replication of environments on one of our secondary sites to ensure maximum continuity of service even in the event of high-impact events that compromise the operation of the primary site.

Frequent use cases

The use of an engineered platform with certified technology designed specifically for one’s business needs allows one to avoid oversizing the infrastructure as the company grows over time.

Relying on SAP-certified personnel ensures high-performance and reliable infrastructure design, set-up and management, optimizing costs and meeting corporate budgets.  

The benefits of ManS for SAP
Guaranteed performance

You can take advantage of state-of-the-art technologies fully managed and controlled by our technicians, with 24-hour support.


Particularly fast and ready-to-use set-up time of environments.

Our staff is knowledgeable, certified and constantly trained to ensure that you always receive answers that are appropriate to your requirements and in line with your technologies.
Direct report
We are your one-stop shop, guaranteeing specialized service dedicated to your needs.
Our service is always adhered to and proportionate to your needs, so you can plan your expenses with certainty while respecting your business budget.
Dedicate yourself to your business
We take care of every technical-operational activity and management risk, so you can focus on the activities that create value for your business.

We are ready to listen to you. Write to us, we are at your disposal.